Sunday, January 1, 2012

Workout 1 of 2012 (Extreme Shed & Shred level 1)

It's time to begin another journey.  This time to workout #150!

For the first workout of 2012, I decided to try one of my new Jillian Michaels' DVDs that the dogs gave me for Christmas, Extreme Shed and Shred.  It totally kicked my butt.  It was a lot of cardio--thankfully most of which I could kinda do or only had to slightly modify--and very different from her other DVDs.  She did not explicitly separate the parts into circuits though there were 4.  In each there are a series of exercises that are repeated before moving on to the next set.  She incorporated some kickboxing moves, martial arts as well as yoga.  I was excited when she incorporated part of the flow in my favorite yoga workout :).

Will I do it again?  Yes, but probably not for awhile.  I feel I am not in shape enough for this workout.  Taking a week off fulfilled a much needed break but it made me feel a little out of shape for such a hardcore workout.

This workout is not for beginners and in fact would have likely scared me off from trying any other Jillian workouts had it been my first.  The good thing is that she is providing more advanced options for people who have grown and improved from her other workouts.  I'm just not in as great of shape as I was summer 2010.  Maybe that should be another goal for this year :).


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