Sunday, November 20, 2011

Workout 71 of 2011 (C25K on my elliptical)

Today I was a little down that I set myself up to fail at the 100 workouts in 2011 goal.  I allowed myself a 5 minute pity-party and then said, "You know what, it is so important that you are just gonna have to make it happen."  So I'm going to make it happen.  I know that on work days I particularly have a hard time making myself workout so I've decided to do some 2-a-days on the weekend so that I don't necessarily have to workout as much during the week.  And being a teacher means I get most of this week off and 2 weeks at Christmas.  I can do some 2-a-days this week and during my Christmas break.  Meaning, I CAN and WILL complete my goal!

In my 2-a-days, I plan to incorporate yoga and pilates, things I often don't do because I know they don't really burn many calories.  I would like the balance and flexibility they provide and can more easily justify doing them when I've had a calorie-burning workout that day as well.

As for today's workout...  I completed 31 minutes on the elliptical.  I did Week 1, Day 1 of the Couch to 5K running plan on the elliptical.  As you may recall, my knees and ankles cannot handle the impact of running.  Since my only option is the elliptical, I find it more fun and definitely more challenging to use the C25K app on the elliptical as I have to push myself during the "run" times.  Otherwise, I can easily waste away 20 minutes of hardly burning any calories on the elliptical by going at a leisurely pace.

Now for a break, some rehydration, maybe a snack and then hopefully workout 72 will happen later today!


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