Friday, March 18, 2011

1/4 of the way to my goal! Workout 25 of 2011

I can't believe I've already done 25 workouts this year.  I feel like I just started working towards my goal of 100 workouts.  It's so exciting to see that I'm making big progress this year so far.  There are still 9.5 months left in the year and I already reached 25% of my goal.  It feels awesome!

I just have to stay on track.  I have been good about not overdoing it the weeks I'm particularly motivated.  Because of this, I have not gotten burnt out at all.  This week I do plan to do some extra workouts since I'm off for spring break, thus making it okay to slack off next week if I struggle getting back into the swing of things.

Today's workout was one of the worst I've had in awhile.  I was motivated to do it but once I got started, it was apparent that I have absolutely zero stamina today.  I believe this is due to various factors including but not limited to my lack of significant water consumption over the break, coughing my head off all night, being a couch potato yesterday and today, and still being PAINFULLY sore from my workout on Wednesday.  Regardless, I did 15 excruciating minutes on the elliptical followed by various Jillian Michaels ab moves from No More Trouble Zones.  I feel sluggish even as I type.

Here's to a better workout tomorrow!

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