Monday, December 28, 2009

C25K Week 1 Workout 1

I just did my first workout on the C25K plan and it went very well. It was freezing cold (okay 40 degrees) so my ears are hurting a little. I downloaded an iPhone application for it in order to not have to keep checking to see when I needed to run or walk. It was cool how it dings and tells you to warmup, run, walk, and cool down. It also allows me to play my music directly through the application.

I came home, stretched, and did my crunches in an attempt to get my tummy back to it's flatter state before my pregnancy with Kailee.

I saw most of my neighborhood today throughout the workout. I'm glad we live in a huge residential area with many subdivisions so I can go different routes and not get bored.

I plan to take tomorrow off and then do week 1 workout 2 on Wednesday.

I downloaded an iphone application to track my calories and exercise.  I plan to update at least the days I workout (Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays).

Today, I consumed 1590 calories and burned 302 calories.  Not bad!

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